My Masterpiece (pop-rock)

      1. MY MASTERPIECE (pop-rock) - \"I used to think that I was bound to dream big dreams about great things. But life's got a way to wear you down; keep climbing hills and paying bills. Somehow, I let my dreams get small...\"



 I used to think that I was bound

to dream big dreams about great things.

But life’s got a way to wear you down;

keep climbing hills and paying bills.

 Somehow I let my dreams get small;

I’m that fly who sits on a cathedral wall.


So I’m gonna write my masterpiece.

Maybe someone else will see

but I gotta write it for me.

Gotta write it, write it, write it for me.


Sometimes you gotta face the facts:

your awful crime was killing time.

You’ll dread the day you dare to ask

if what you create will leave a trace.

They found drawings in a cave in France

where an ancient artist left it all to chance.


Even if nobody cares;

even if it disappears…



  1. wayne westbrook says

    Hi Allan, Great way to begin the new year hearing from you and listening to your latest gem. Wonderful message. The entertainment industry is a tough one and you have to be your number one fan to survive all the rejection and bad advise. Seems to have worked for you. Love the feel of this piece and the easy flow it delivers. Comes across as heartfelt and something very personal so thanks for sharing. All the best and keep it up!!!

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